About Us

Frank Gfeller ArchaeoLytics Switzerland

Dr. Frank Gfeller

After his studies in earth-science Frank Gfeller wrote a PhD in mineralogical crystallography at the University of Bern. The main focus of his dissertation is the crystal-chemistry of calcium-silicates, -aluminates and -phosphates.
Subsequently he improved his skills in analytical chemistry at the forensic department of St. Gallen. Nowadays he combines a strong will for open and unbiased research with his scientific education. His main motivation is to link sundry areas of research and to discuss uncommon new approaches. In case of ArchaeoLytics, craftsmanship, material science, archeology and natural science encounter to provide a unique view on archeological objects and the information stored within them.

Nadja Melko ArchaeoLytics Switzerland

 Dr. Nadja Melko

Nadja Melko studied classical archeology and prehistorical Archaeology at the university of Heidelberg where she found her main fields of interest: classical mythology and ancient craftsmanship. Recently she finished her PhD at the University of Zürich where she combined archaeometry, experimental archaeology and theory building to examine a Roman pottery site.
Her previous experiences in crafts like pottery, sculpting, printing technology and scenography accompanies Nadja Melko in her archaeological studies.

She appreciates the transdisciplinary interconnection of knowledge and cultivates contacts to schools for crafts and artisans while researching crafting processes and their impact on social life.